Bridal Bouquet Styles
Though it may not always be seen as a priority, a Bridal bouquet is an integral part of your overall wedding look. Not only does it distinguish you as the woman of the hour but it also lends itself to the style and feel of your whole day. Below we have provided you with the most popular wedding bouquet styles.
In the last 2 years this has been the most popular style. It is composed in 360 degrees but often have a clear front and back to the bouquet. The loose composition and mixed greenery give it an organic and natural look. Bohemian brides this is the one for you!
Another popular bridal bouquet is the round bouquet. Composed 360 degrees this fully round shape is stunning from all angles. Whether you like just a single variety or 3 or four this round style is a beautiful and elegant option.
Round Natural Hybrid
Our Round Natural hybrid is a Canadiana Flowers special. It is composed in the round style but with more organic additions such as extra greenery or filler flowers protruding. A nice mix of both of our most popular bridal bouquets.
Elegant and classic a cascading bouquet is the quintessential wedding bouquet. Wildly popularized by Princess Diana’s incredibly huge version the cascading bouquet has been in style for ages. This bouquet can range in sizes and lengths depending on the brides style and flowers used.